Fuelling for Race Day
Fuelling up for game/race day In a recent post I spoke about fuelling up for long training sessions. Today, I wanted to talk about what to do on race/game day. The reality is, it should not be any different from what you’d usually do before a big event. Why? Firstly, you want to know that […]
Is meat ok?
To meat or not to meat? There’s been much hype in the media recently about meat causing cancer, particularly processed meats. But does this mean you should become vegetarian? The research is right, over consumption of meat CAN increase the risk of cancer, in particular bowel cancer. Processed meats containing artificial nitrates increase the risk […]
Fuelling For Training
Fuelling up for long training sessions Regardless of your sport, if you’re an endurance athlete heading out for a big session (ie, longer than 90mins), eating appropriately before hand can be the key to if you have a great training session or not. But why is it so important? Our muscles contain a substance called […]