Fuelling up for game/race day
In a recent post I spoke about fuelling up for long training sessions. Today, I wanted to talk about what to do on race/game day.
The reality is, it should not be any different from what you’d usually do before a big event. Why? Firstly, you want to know that whatever you’re eating, it sits well, and it works to get you the results you’ve been training for. Secondly, bringing something new in on event day means there is another variable that something could go wrong – reduce the stress, and the nerves you’re undoubtedly feeling by keeping it simple, and the same.
My favourite? Wholemeal pasta with snapper, pepper, garlic and olive oil, and a green salad. I find this sits really well, with the pasta providing enough carbs, and the snapper a great lean protein source. Breakfast is usually weetbix with a banana and soy milk, sometimes blended as a smoothie if I’m running sooner (or need to drink en-route to start line!), or eaten whole if there’s more time to digest.
The. Best.
I’d love to hear your favourite pre event meals!