What are the health benefits of olive oil

Extra-virgin olive oil (lovingly known as EVOO) is the juice squeezed directly from olive fruits. It is not refined or extracted using chemicals or heat. This means that it’s naturally high in antioxidants and beneficial fats. We have plenty of evidence that the consumption of EVOO has a multitude of health benefits. In particular, it […]
Collagen, more than just a fad

If you are yet to hear of the benefits of using collagen, chances are you’re someone who isn’t spending a whole lot of time on social media. With many fads, popularity comes and goes (hello coconut oil!). But where there is science, things stick. And luckily enough, when it comes to collagen, the science, whilst […]
Magical Manuka Honey

I’ve spoken about my Nana’s pearls of wisdom here before, in a discussion about the benefits of gelatin for collagen production, but here we are again with another tid bit – magical manuka honey! As many of you know, as a kid (well, for my whole life really!) I’ve suffered from eczema – itchy, irritating […]