<strong>Fibre supplements for constipation</strong>
Anyone who experiences constipation will know that it’s incredibly uncomfortable and can take a major toll on your quality of life. Fibre supplements are commonly used by individuals with constipation, but it can be confusing as to which one to trial. Read on to find out more about fibre supplements for chronic constipation, which may help assist […]
<strong>Probiotic foods versus probiotic supplements</strong>
The popularity of probiotics is officially peaking, but when it comes to their health benefits, is it best to start a supplement or pile your plate with probiotic-rich food? Here’s what the science says about probiotic foods versus probiotic supplements, allowing you to make an educated decision about the way you consume your probiotics. But […]
Chocolate for Sports Performance
With Easter recently passing by, many of you may be feeling like chocolate is the last thing on your mind… however recent findings show that those eggs over easter may in fact help improve your sports performance. The benefits of chocolate milk for recovery have long been known and acknowledged, however recent findings have shown that […]