5 types of probiotics and why they’re good for you

You may know that probiotics are beneficial for your gut microbiome, and while this is true, not all probiotics are created equal. In fact different types of probiotics (also known as probiotic strains) have different functions within the body. If you’ve read any of the upcoming, almost unpronounceable terms on the back of your yoghurt […]

These healthy snacks are the best for working from home

Snacks can make or break your nutrition goals. You know that including them is beneficial, but when you do you don’t see much positive difference. You need good snacks for their nutritional value without the excess energy and high amounts of sugar and bad fats. These bad snacks can negatively affect your health, mood, energy […]

Top 10 healthiest Thai food dishes you can order

When it comes to eating out or ordering in, Thai food is one of Australia’s most popular options. You don’t have to worry about missing out just because you’re trying to eat a bit better. As with any cuisine, some dishes are healthier than others. To take the guesswork out of ordering, here is a […]

Breast milk components that help promote sleep

As you will have seen in my previous article, there are many breast milk components that serve different functions, such as sleep.  They interestingly also change across the day and night to promote either alertness during the day or sleepiness at night, which you can read more on here. Why do the components of milk matter? Breast milk […]

Artificial sweeteners: The pros & cons

Woman using artificial sweeteners in a hot beverage

Artificial sweeteners are confusing, with many of us wondering: Should we? Shouldn’t we? Like most areas in nutrition, the answer isn’t black and white, but empowering yourself with knowledge about them is the best place to start. Every individual has their own unique characteristics, which is why we’re discussing both the pros and cons of […]

Breast feed, formula feed or mix feed?

baby feeding

One thing I know I certainly didn’t comprehend before becoming a parent was just how time consuming breast feeding – or pumping – is on your life. Whether you choose to breast feed, formula feed or mix feed is a personal choice, and doesn’t come down to a single factor (for most of us!). For […]

Breast milk composition changes 

Breast milk composition changes pending time of day, as you read about in my previous article. Breast milk contains higher levels of cortisol and activity-promoting amino acids during the day, to promote alertness, feeding behaviour, and catabolic processes in infants.  Night milk contains high levels of melatonin and tryptophan to foster sleep, relax digestion, and support […]

Navigating the festive season with food intolerance

The festive season brings with it a lot of joy.  It is a time of celebrating with family and friends, which often centres around food and drinks.  Add into that multiple Christmas Parties and dinners out (because we can finally dine out again!) and we’ve got up to a whole month where we are eating […]

Are collagen supplements safe during breast feeding?

Collagen, which makes up 30% of our total protein mass, is the fibrous structural connective tissue present in ligaments, tendons, cartilage, blood vessels and of course our skin. There are in fact 28 types of collagen! The unfortunate reality is that from the age of 18, the amount of collagen present in our bodies declines […]

Human breast milk changes pending time of day

Did you know that the formulation of human breast milk changes pending time of day, throughout the course of the day and night? *cue brain explosion* I remember when I first read the research on this, and so many dots fell into place. For those who exclusively breast feed (i.e., not pump), this may seem […]